Saturday, August 11, 2007

Reasons why you shouldn't cancel your life insurance policy

Maybe your very fortunate and no longer require life insurance. This can happen for many reasons but a common scenario is when an individual receives or earns a large amount of cash. Enough cash to easily cover all expenses your family may receive when you pass away. If you have millions of dollars in an interest baring account, a home thats paid for and very little other expenses perhaps you don't need life insurance. You should consult with your life insurance agent to see if this is feasible scenario but in certain instances it is.

So you no longer need your life insurance policy. Should you call your life insurance company and tell them to cancel your life insurance policy? Remember, this is the same life insurance policy you've paid $X in premiums every year for however many years. Essentially, it's as good as flushing money down the toilet at this point if you decide to just cancel the policy. Sure it protected you when you needed it but now that you don't need it why keep it?

There are a couple good reasons to keep your life insurance policy. As I mentioned above, you've already invested some money into it. Your family is already covered in the event you pass so why not make the beneficiary someone else? Perhaps leave your death benefit to your brother in law (the struggling actor) or someone else that could really use it. Another good option is to leave your life insurance benefit to a Charity. Personally, I love the Animal Shelters so I would consider leaving the death benefit to a local Animal Shelter. You may want to consult with your Accountant but I believe when the beneficiary is a Charity then your premium payments are tax deductible.

So even if you don't need the death benefit consider keeping your life insurance policy.

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