Saturday, August 11, 2007

Keep your Insurance Policies organized in case of an emergency

Be sure to organize your insurance information yearly. Organizing it yearly will keep you fresh on coverages and most important it reminds you what you have and where you have it. The last thing you want to do after a car accident, a health issue or a death in the family is to search for any information regarding insurance coverage.

Ideas for keeping Insurance information organized.
Write down or type out the contact information for each type of insurance you own. So for your Auto Insurance write down the contact person's name and phone number. Do the same for your Health Insurance, Life Insurance and any other Insurance policies you own. Give a copy of the contact information to several friends or family members in case of an emergency. Build a folder for each type of Insurance you own and save policy information in the folder. Consider keeping the folders in a fireproof safe or in a safe deposit box at your local bank.

Consider consolidating all your insurance needs with one insurance company. One point of contact can make getting the information you need significanly less stressful. In addition to having one point of contact most Insurance companies provide rate discounts for those that carry multiple lines of insurance with the company.

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